Where to Find Us.

FESTIVALS: We are currently taking a break from festivals as we have seen a shift in economic spending. Festivals are one of our hardest endeavors as it takes weeks to prepare, three hours to set up each show, two hours to tear down and weekends away from the family. It is long 13-hour days, usually for 2-3 days with only one person working the booth, that's me. We have to shift with the economy and pivot our business focus.

I enjoy festivals and craft shows. I love meeting my clients and building those relationships. I hope to be back into the festival and craft vendor scene by 2025.

BRICK & MORTAR: Brick & Mortar stores were essential to our growth from 2018-2022. We were able to be in 4 different brick and mortar stores across middle Tennessee. Unfortunately, South Louisiana does not have the same offerings. I continue to look for a marketplace, but it might be something we have to open ourselves :)